
Ben Barsotti Scott
Designer and independent curator, New York, NY

Landscape architect with strong interests in architectural history and theory and socially-engaged design. Independent curator of contemporary architecture and design with experience organizing exhibitions, publishing original research, and teaching. Professional designer with experience managing projects from concept through construction.

close image of a caucasian man with messy blonde hair and dark-rim glasses, set against a bright blue sky with power lines and trees visible in the background


Current: PhD Student, Geography Department, Rutgers University.
Master of Landscape Architecture, 2017. University of Virginia School of Architecture.
Bachelor of Arts in Art History, 2010, Magna cum Laude with Honors. Knox College.

Teaching and critique

Fall 2023, Guest Critic, Final Review, LAAR 63100/65100 Landscape Architecture Studio, Spitzer School of Architecture, City College of New York.
Spring 2023, Guest Critic,  Mid-Review, 2nd Year Core Architecture Studio, Pratt Institute.
Fall 2022, Guest Critic, Final Review, National Academy of Sciences’ Gulf Research Studio, Tulane University School of Architecture.
Spring 2022,  Adjunct Instructor, Department of Art History, Maryland Institute College of Art. Taught AH-379 Contemporary Architectural Theory and Criticism.
Winter 2018, Guest Critic, Final Review “Queer Space” seminar. School of Architecture, Rhode Island School of Design.


“Direct Action Landscape,” Landscape Architecture Common Lecture, Rutgers University, October 25, 2023
“Type and Regulatory Type,” Invited talk for History of Architecture survey at Maryland Institute College of Art, October 15, 2021.
“After the Hyperprofessional,” University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee Department of Architecture, March 2021.
“Altering the Landscape a Little Bit: Queer Space-Making in Collier Schorr’s Blumen,” at Senses and Spaces, University of Toronto Department of History, May 10-11, 2018. Panel: “Moving through Landscapes.”

Exhibitions and programs

Exhibition Curator and Designer (as Bad Little Brother), “Unrestrooms,” March 2-April 5, 2018, Front/Space, Kansas City, MO.

︎︎︎See press coverage: Anne Kniggendorf. “At An Exhibit In Kansas City, Designers Begin Solving America’s Public Bathroom Problem.”

Panel Organizer (as Bad Little Brother), “A Discussion of Inclusive Restroom Design,” March 31, 2018. Kansas City Center for Inclusion, Kansas City, MO. Exhibition Curator and Designer, “Yes, It Can Be Done: National Park Service Expanding, 1950–1980.“ Spring 2016, East Gallery, University of Virginia School of Architecture. Charlottesville, VA.