
Pneu Order

How can we have fun in a crisis? An inflatable ground for protest and pleasure on the US National Mall.
Experience Pneu Order, an inflatable ground for protest and pleasure on the US National Mall! Rock steady in the Rockery, where super bouncy inflatables rub up against rock-hard monuments! Get your freak on in the intoxicating jasmine heat of the Tunnel of Love! Devote yourself to the Reliquary: you’ll never forget the present with these shapely greenhouses for a wetter, hotter, warming world! And explore new worlds in the bulging exhibition rooms that occupy the fat, Mylar walls of Hot Tropic!

Trump and Bannon are counting on our “resistance fatigue.” How many more protests can my body take? They’ve never felt the miraculous rush of energy that comes at 3AM when the DJ plays your favorite song: I Feel Love, I Will Survive, I’m So Excited, We Are Family, You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real). This is our secret weapon (and the secret is out, honey!)

Pneu Order was a proposal in response to the arrest of anarchist anti-fascist protesters in Washington, DC, on the occasion of the inauguration of US President Donald J. Trump. It was the origin of the guiding question, “how can we have fun in a crisis?”